scared to tell the truth

I’d been working for the multinational software company for about six months when the senior manager explained to me – with a hefty dash of pride – the specifics of the clever international corporate structure designed to minimise the company’s global tax...

scared to admit I didn’t want it

I am beyond grateful for the first part of my professional career. I learned so much from working in big organisations with smart, driven people. I travelled and lived across four continents. I saved a bunch of money. For a while, I had it all. And then I had to own...

scared to belong

Bad things happen, for no good reason. People are regularly cruel and brutal to each other. Shocking, horrifyingly sad events take place and no good comes of them. I’ve had a hard time finding my place in this world. I didn’t want to belong inside this reality. If...

scared to be powerful

The past couple of weeks have been all about money, sex and power. It started like this: in a private session with my new teacher, we worked on money consciousness. When he asked me to visualise the consciousness of money, what showed up for me was an obese...

scared to exist

I’m introverted, so I only have a few close friends. I have three girlfriends who live in the same city as me. All of them now have boyfriends. I don’t. One of them just started a new relationship. Last week, she said that she might have to cancel the girls’ drinks...