Private Sessions

I work with super sensitive souls who want to enjoy being human. 

Specialties come from my personal experience. You can get help with:

–  escaping the corporate matrix and retrieving your soul from the machine

–  feeling terrified to speak up about what you want (or don’t want)

–  hating your job so much it makes you feel sick, but being unable to leave

–  suppressing shame from childhood abuse

–  repeating old family patterns, even when you try not to

–  getting stuck in grief, even years after the loss

–  being held hostage by persistent addictions

–  gaslighting or abuse from religious or New Age teachers

–  the horror of realising someone or something is not who/what you thought

–  shock and betrayal after repeated mistreatment

–  the persistent feeling that a better life is not possible

The language you use points to where energy is flowing or stuck. I read the flow of energy as you speak to me and help release what’s blocked. It is energy healing, but I don’t send you energy or work with non-physical helpers’.

Pattern recognition is one of my superpowers. I have a kind of X-ray vision, which helps me ‘see’ the blockage blueprints that lie beneath the surface of your life. The blueprints create those unhelpful, stubborn patterns that repeat over and over again.

A lot of the work I do isn’t very spiritual. I most enjoy supporting people who’ve struggled to simply be human sink more deeply into their bodies, their relationships and their experience of everyday life. 

I do my best to avoid re-traumatising you. That said, this is inner work for people who are willing to go through some yucky stuff in order to heal it. There may be tears and short-lived physical discomfort as part of the releasing process.



I enjoy working with people who want to create deep transformation in their lives. From my experience, you get the best results when we can work on multiple overlapping issues, in depth and over time.


6-pack Payment Plan
USD$240/month for 6 months – 6x 60 min sessions

6-pack Upfront Payment
USD$1330 – 6x 60 min sessions (15% discount)

12-pack Upfront Payment
USD$2340 – 12x 60 min sessions (25% discount)

NOTE: I reserve a couple of spaces in my schedule for scholarship clients at a special discount, for people experiencing financial hardship. All those places are currently full, but please book a free Clarity Call if you’d like to get on the waiting list.

If you haven’t worked with me before and you’re not sure what you need, book a free Clarity Call.


The Compassion Key is a clearing modality developed by Edward Mannix that uses the healing power of your own compassion to shift karmic patterns. We use your compassion,  directed inwards towards wounded parts or aspects of yourself, to dissolve trauma imprints. I’m a certified Master Facilitator and Circle Leader.

Non-Personal Awareness is a framework developed by Joel Young that helps identify and shift energy stored in the language you use, using the power of shifting perspective to release identification with old patterns. I’m certified as a Master Practitioner of NPA.

The results can be dramatic. Some clients have miraculous breakthroughs in their first session. Others need to work over a long period of time, removing one layer of trauma and then resting for a while. It depends how much of this type of work you’ve done before, as well as what kind of pain we’re addressing.

I encourage you to allow the possibility of miracles, while also paying close attention to the ripple effect of small changes. In my experience, tiny brave practical steps usually carry more power than huge sudden shifts that start with spiritual fireworks.

In terms of how a session might go for you… I have to be honest. I have no idea what will happen in a session before it starts. I simply don’t know what’s going to come up and how we’ll navigate it.

Because here’s the thing: this is soul work. We’re dealing with the wounds that stop your soul’s light from fully expressing itself into the world, through you.

This kind of work is runs to a schedule of its own. It cannot be tightly controlled, measured and administered according to a specific, prescribed dosage.

So I work within these constraints. I focus on helping you identify the conclusions you drew from specific experiences and clearing any residual trauma,  so there’s nothing holding that old pattern in place any more.

I do not offer techniques that focus on positive thinking or help bypass pain. I’m not here to help you raise your vibration or get in touch with your goddess guides. I do not work with New Age energies or entities, especially the ones who show up uninvited and offering to help.

I work with my soul, who works with yours to co-create a safe space. And then we explore what’s ready to shift today.