

I had a lovely conversation recently with my friend Kristine Backes who hosts the Natural Wisdom podcast. We talked about our experiences transitioning out of corporate careers, why I do this work and how I work with people. We also touched on  why 2022 is likely to be another challenging year for anyone still living with a lot of unexamined fear. We plan to talk again soon, incorporating some group clearing to help navigate the big astrological cycles of these crazy times.


I spoke to James Bartley of the Cosmic Switchboard, along with Kate Moss and Eve Lorgen, about spiritual narcissists and escaping narcissistic abuse. It was a very enjoyable conversation.
NOTE: for Cosmic Switchboard members only (just $7 a month and totally worth it).




I spoke to David Atkinson from Holo about ‘diversity and inclusion’ in the tech industry. I reflected on some experiences of working for Microsoft and shared some thoughts about the type of change that’s required to encourage different people to start using technology to solve tricky problems.